4oz. Hidradenitis Suppurativa cream. Manage boils, alleviate pain and discomfort in as little as the first day. Still not sure? Go read our 43 pages of 5 star reviews on Etsy. Still not sure? Go see our one day video results. Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) is a chronic skin condition causing swollen, painful lumps in areas where skin rubs together, such as armpits, groin, buttocks, and under the breasts. These lumps can break open, leading to tunnels and scarring. Hidradenitis Suppurativa Ingredients: Shea Butter, Coconut oil, Castor oil, Hemp Seed oil, BeesWax, Zinc oxide, Xanthan Gum, Oils added- Arnica, Rose Geranium, Lavender, Bergamot, Tea Tree, Peppermint, Ashwagandha, Patchouli, Myrrh, Black Seed, Clove, Vitamin E, Comfrey, Calendula, Maracuja, Sea Buckthorn, Helichrysum, Burdock, Sweet Fennel, Benzoin, Eucalyptus, Neroli, Brazilian Orange, Neem.