ClimaTek Freezer Door Gasket Seal Replaces Amana Maytag Whirlpool # 10456810Q 12550116Q ClimaTek Refrigerator Door Gasket Seal Replaces Amana Maytag Whirlpool # 10456810Q 12550116Q SPECS: COMPATABLE WITH THESE BRANDS: Fits many brands of Refrigerators including: GE, General Electric, Hotpoint RCA, Americana, BeefEater, Camco, Eterna Concept II, McClary, Moffat, Profile, Monogram , and more OEM / AFTERMARKET: Aftermarket DESCRIPTION: This is a top quality aftermarket replacement for the part #s below. All of our Replacement Door Gaskets are made of 100% virgin vinyl, to meet or exceed original equipment manufacturers specifications. Each gasket is packaged in a reinforced corrugated box to meet shipping and stocking requirements. All gaskets have factory welded square corners to assure proper fit. Magnetic gaskets have magnets installed prior to sealing. Some magnetic gaskets have magnets installed on only three sides to allow for ease of opening the refrigerator door REPLACES PART NUMBERS: 10456810Q 12550116Q USED ON MODELS: BX22A2W BX22A2L BX21TW BX22S5W BX21VW BX22A2E BX22S5W BZ22RW BX21V1W BX21VW BX21TW BX22S5L BZ22RL BX21TL BCI20TW BG21VW BX20RW 59669142992 59671103101 ARB2117AW BM20TBW BX22RW BX20RL BX22S5L BX22S5L EB22DKXFW01 BC20TW BCI21V1W BR22VW BX20RW BZ20RW BZ22RW BX20S5W BX22S5W BZ22RL EB22DKXFB01 GB22DKXJW01 GB2SHKXKQ00 ARB2117AW BC21V1C BC21VC BG20TW BR22VW BX21V2W BZ22RE GB22DKXGB00 GB22DKXGW00 GB22DKXJW00 59669277991 ARB2107AC BG21V1W BG21VW BR22S6W BX21V1W BX21VC BX21VL BX22S5W BZ20RL DRB2101AW EB22DKXFN01 KBRS22KFBL0 59679274991 ARB2107AW ARB2117BC ARB2117BW BC20TL BC21V1W BCI20TW BR22S6L BR22TL BX21TL BX21V2W BX22RL BXI22S5L KBRS22KGAL0 KBRS22KGWH0 59669272993 59671102101 59677277790 22 ARB210BAW ARB2117AC BC20TW BC21VW BCI21VW BG21V1W BH20S5W BQ20RBL BX20S5L BX20S5W BX21VL BX22RW BZ22RE GB22DKXGN02 GB22DKXGW01 GB22DKXJT01 KBRS22KFWH0 KBRS22KGWH1 59669279991 59671109101 59671142101 59671144101 59679279991 ARB2117BC BC21VC BCI21VC BG21V1C BG21VC BG21VL BG21VW BP22A2L BR22S6W BR22TL BR22TW BR22VC BR22VC BR22VL BS20RBW BX20RL BX20S5L BX20S5W BX21V2C BX22RL BXI22S5W BZ20RW DRB2101AC 59661274101 59669142991 59669167990 59671104101 59677272790 22 59679142990 21 59679142992 59679142993 59679272992 ARB2107AW ARB2117AC ARB2117BW BC20TL BC21V1W BCI21V1W BCI21VW BCI21VW BG21VL BH20S5L BQ20RBL BQ20RBW BQ20RBW BR22S6L BX20S5W BX22S5L BX22S5W BX22TL BZ20R EB22DKXFN00 EB22DKXFW00 GB22DKXGB01 GB22DKXGB02 GB22DKXJB01 59661142101 59668142891 59669272991 59679272991 59679272993 59679274992 ARB2107AW ARB2109AWR ARB2109AWR BC21VL BG20T2L BG20TL BG20TL BG20TW BG21VC BH20TL BP22A2E BR22TW BR22VL BR22VW BX20R BX20R BX20RE BX20S5L BX20S5L BX21TW BX21V1C BX21V1C BZ20R BZ20RE BZ20RL GB22DKXGN01 GB22DKXGW02 KBRS22KFAL0 KBRS22KGAL2 KBRS22KGBL0 KBRS22KGBL4 KBRS22KGWH13 KBRS22KKBT00 KBRS22KKWH00 59661102100 59661102101 59661103100 59661103101 59661104100 59661104101 59661109100 59661109101 59661142100 59661144100 59661144101 59661152100 59661152101 59661154100 59661154101 59661162100 59661162101 59661164100 59661164101 59661273100 59661279100 59661279101 59661282100 59661282101 59661284100 59661284101 59661289100 59661289101 59661292100 59661292101 59661294100 59661294101 59661299100 59661299101 59667272790 22 59667277790 22 59668142790 59668142791 21 59668142890 59668147790 59668147791 59668147890 59668147891 59669142990 21 59669144000 59669147990 21 59669147991 59669147992 59669162990 59669162991 59669164000 59669272990 22' 59669272992 59669274990 59669274991 59669274992 59669277990 59669279990 59669279992 59669279993 59671102100 59671103100 59671104100 59671109100 59671142100 59671144100 59671162100 59671162101 59671164100 59671164101 59671274100 59671282100 59671282101 59671284100 59671284101 59671289100 59671289101 59679142991 59679144000 59679147990 21 59679147991 59679147992 59679162990 59679162991 59679164000 59679167990 59679272990 59679274990 59679277990 59679277991 59679279990 59679279992 59679279993 ARB2107AC ARB2107AC ARB2107AC ARB2107AW ARB2109ACR ARB2109ACR ARB2109ACR ARB2109ACR ARB2109AWR